Project Chacha - Progresses

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This page is a WIP.

Here is a progress (or changelog page, I should say) of my attempts of finding the English Dub of Akazukin Chacha. When all searches are FOUND, the remaining episodes will be put on my YT Alt. account.
All of the dates are in order from newest to oldest. Pretty soon, you'll have to scroll DOWN a lot to read my full history!


It has been a while, huh?

Well, while I was searching through old Chacha related websites, I found an interesting fansite which showed information of what MONTH it aired, and it mentions it did in April 1998!

It mentions:

"...Cartoon Network Asia broadcasted this anime for its viewers in Asia to see since April of that year [1998]."

Source:The Cartoon Network Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage (archived version)


When I was watching the 15th episode, I noticed that there was a slight frame at the beginning of the video which could be the promo or episode of the dub! Partially found promo?

Note that I resized and adjusted the image to make the frame authentic to what it COULD have been shown on Cartoon Network at that time.

In the screenshot, there are cropped words, which I'm guessing that it MIGHT have said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"... As I can possibly tell the word "BIRTH" is cropped.

There is also the Cartoon Network logo, so we can tell that this promo or episode is most LIKELY the dub I'm participating to find!

If so, the only question that I can think of is WHOSE birthday was celebrated in the promo/episode? Chacha's? Another character from the series? Someone related? I honestly have no clue, as I didn't watch or see the promo or episode back at that time.

So, that would be AWESOME if anyone participating in finding the Rare dub can be able to find the complete promo/episode of what I'm mentioning here (unless if that's found already..) Meanwhile, there is already, but it's a different one to which I'm talking about.


Wow, it has been almost a YEAR since my last update, but I re-read the lost media article relating to the Chacha dub and I noticed that someone has the tapes!

The tweet.

...but they need a PAL VHS player. I wish I could help them, but due to area differences and myself NOT having a PAL VHS player (also may be uncomfortabe at different areas in my case for now), things would be complicated.

Who knows I might help them eventually few years from now... I might have to find out in the future.

Note that I NOW have a NTSC VHS player. Previously, I had a Multi-region version, I believe, before it broke overtime. It looks similar to this.

There's also a FILE that contains the episodes 49-52, and 55. Obtaining it has been difficult since my last post, but I won't give up for now!

If, eventually, the files are successfully obtained, the episodes mentioned above will go to my YT alt account (WuzzleTown, to be renamed soon) and Web archive both in restored condition (depending on the VHS' video condition).




Last Updated: 11/24/2021