Welcome to my blog!

Hi, this is DoodlingScreen98 (or DS98) and, once again, welcome to my blog!

My former alias is TheCartoonBoy94 (TCB94), for those who aren't aware.

This was made as I lost motivation of and rarely use X (or Twitter). Most of my updates and stuff will be posted here!

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"Flip-noting in COLOUR" - 2/26/2024

Recently, I made and uploaded two 3D Flipnotes on a fansite called Kaeru World. One's a fanart and the other is an animation!

The first one is called Victory first-bump.

I rarely draw my former OC (left), but I did it anyway, for this case.

As mentioned again - this art represents my feelings when I was allowed to come back to Sudomemo, again. Unfortunately, I stopped using it "due to complications" - my wifi, overall, seems too "wonky" to access their servers...

...And the second one is an animation walk loop. Please click on the image below to VIEW the animation!

Just a few things I'll have to say - this character "Yeongsim" is just walking around from side to side while the clouds are moving.

Flipnote 3D doesn't have an exact "brown", "orange", or a "green-blue-ish" jacket, so I mixed with two existing colours. For example, to achive the colour "brown", I fill the colour "red", then a shade of "black".

And to achieve a "footstep" sound, I tapped my finger close to my 2DSXL's mic.

Welp, that's all I have to say for this post! If you wish to be notified when I post, please subscribe to my RSS feed.